Edith Constance Morgan
Born 1940
Bloomfield Hills, MI.

After her husband died, Edie was forced to move from her spacious country house to a third floor walk up apartment in the city. She had only visited the city when going to the opera, or on shopping sprees, or, to a formal gala event. She traded the smell of roses, birds singing, and her quiet solitude for the sounds of children crying, people quarreling, radiators hissing, horns honking, dogs
barking, and the cooking smells wafting from other apartments. Her lush green vista was replaced with concrete, bricks and the visual overload of urban life.

She finds great solace in her four small rooms that she now occupies. She spends her time listening to old LP’s of Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington recalling the many nights that she danced the evening a way. Her thoughts about a life well lived make her smile and provide great comfort.

http://www.elizabethernst.com/files/gimgs/30_edie-remembering-2014.jpg http://www.elizabethernst.com/files/gimgs/30_still-life-for-edie-2014.jpg